Monday, August 10, 2020

How to determine stretch factor

Hi There! It's been a while since I posted anything on here mainly because I am failing to find balance between work and my hobby, hahah!!and also I didn’t sew a lot for myself during winter but I am hoping to improve on that (fingers crossed). I hope you are keeping well wherever you are.
This week I am going to share a tip that I learnt working with  knit fabric. The polo neck you see below did not fit through my head at some point, haha. I had to change the design after learning this one important tip because it was never going to go pass my head!



Thursday, May 28, 2020

DIY notched collar coat

Hello there guys!I hope this blog post finds you well.It's week one for me back to work and i must say i found it rather quick.It feels like we jumped from Monday straight to Thursday haha.

Now onto the real business-the coat!!I have not sewn anything for the past 3 weeks.This is one of my makes within the first 4 weeks of lock down.It was my first attempt at a notched collar and i learnt sew many things constructing this.The very first coat which i made 2 years ago (i think) was a rather simple and straight forward design,no lining,no collars,no buttons and  side seam pockets.So i am really happy with how this turned out.There is obviously room for improvement.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Hello there people!I hope you are still keeping well, i believe most of you are back at work this week, i am still home 💃🏾 lol.It’s important to still follow the health rules for our sakes and the rest of the country really.

Now onto this beauty!i must say i had this fabric the longest time!4 years!4 full years it’s been sitting in my stash! Right now i am guilt free 😅.I love to have clothes that run the century, you know something that you can still wear even if fashion changes a gazillion times.No matter how much fashion changes simple designs remain timeless!For me this dress fits that category so perfectly, I LOVE it sew much (i think i say that with all my makes) hahah but i really do.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Hello there!!I do hope you are still keeping well.What a speedy week this has been!i am even having anxieties at the thought of going back to work 😂
Anyhu!lets get on to the issue of the day-the shirt 👗!!After making a shirt that i shared on the blog last week i figured why not make a shirt dress so that the process sets in my mind because practice makes perfect right plus i had the perfect fabric for a winter shirt dress.



Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Hello there!A blessed Wednesday to you all

I have been looking at all the things i managed to make this year and i am so proud of myself! This has really been a great sewing year.The first time really that i have sewn so much and consistently. My goal is to get better at my craft and enjoy the process.

Today we are looking at this shirt. It looks more like a solid pink on these photos but it is actually a pink and white striped fabric.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Hello there and a happy Tuesday. I believe by now you are getting used to the current  normal. Everyday is everyday, lol.The Lord will see us through this time, stay your mind on Him!

I want to start by saying I loooove this dress! It sewed oh so nicely, the fabric feels great on my skin and I love the pop of colour. It's a win

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Hello There!
Happy Wednesday, i cannot believe we are on the mid week mark already, the days seem to be flying by.I don’t know about you but i am grateful for the time i have at home.Time to sit and reflect, set goals and just to unwind!

Red for danger! is what my sister said when she saw this little jacket haha,but I love red you see and you know what I realized that I do not have a lot of red stuff in my wardrobe hmmn strange!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Hello there! Happy Wednesday! I hope you getting on just fine and finding things to keep you sane during this time we are passing through. As you may well know sewing is one of the things i do now to occupy especially that I spend the day alone at home.

Now let’s get onto to it,i made this top a few weeks ago but only managed to take photos of it this week,better late than never!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Hello There!Happy Wednesday.Well i do hope it is a happy one despite the pandemic!
It sure feels like days are running by with all that's happening,although the days may be dragging to those who are house bound.Be safe.

Today's blog post is a really sad one i must say.I am all smiles and all but the truth of the matter is  all  this yummy outfit is not usable! (sigh) I took these photos as a way of comforting myself and also to appreciate what could have been.You may be looking at it and wondering what is this girl going on about but i will tell you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Hello There!Happy Tuesday!

It's a win! whew!Some of you might have seen a video on my Fb page that i did going on and on about how difficult this fabric was to work with,i wasn't even sure i will have a wearable garment at the end!But look at it now,win!win!I love this dress so so much,these photos do not do it justice.


Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Hello There!Happy Wednesday

Have you ever been so excited about something then at the end get so deflated?well that was it with this dress,lol.Last year i wasn't sewing much,in fact i made less than 5 garments,dealing with taking care of my ailing mother then having to deal with the loss was just oh sew drowning (still is). Then my cousin sent me an invitation to her wedding!and that seemed to perk me up and got me in the mood to sew again.Hello wedding hello new dress!!! Hahaha!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Hello There!

Wishing you a blessed Wednesday.I finally made the PAPER BAG WAIST skirt,this style is called paper bag because the design of the waist resembles a paper bag held firmly with one hand.Now in 2018 this style was making rounds,on the internet,in stores,from skirts, shorts and pants and i wanted to try make one so badly,you can imagine how late i am to the party lol but that's okay.


Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Hello There!
Happy Wednesday!Today it's all about this dress which made it into my first makes for 2020 in January. I had this fabric for over 2 years!i know i know lol.When i bought it i wanted to practice matching plaid but for a long time i was so intimidated and never really attempted.Over time the more i looked at the fabric the more i did not like it ha ha!yes that happens y'all.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Hello there

This was my last make in 2019,i call it the El dress, named after my loving mother (Elsie),she used to love everything gathered and every time she wanted me to make her something she would always want a gathered dress!It's a very simple dress and very comfortable ,it sure is going to make rounds.I have had this linen fabric for over a year, initially when i bought it i had a wrap top in mind but that changed,(i am your typical over thinker) often time i buy a fabric thinking that i have a project in mind but then i change my mind so many times before actually cutting into the fabric🙈🤦🏽‍♀️ I hope to do better this year.