Hello there and a happy Tuesday. I believe by now you are getting used to the current normal. Everyday is everyday, lol.The Lord will see us through this time, stay your mind on Him!
I want to start by saying I loooove this dress! It sewed oh so nicely, the fabric feels great on my skin and I love the pop of colour. It's a win
Now the time came for me to work with this fabric and I pulled the pattern out. I was still not so confident about it. So i decided to cut the bodice first and tried to sew it according to the pattern instructions, now the instructions are written in English but as I read it sounded like Greek, lol and my sewing was not coming out as theirs! I started doubting myself and the whole process and worried that i was going to waste my fabric and wondered if I should really continue.I honestly think it's a matter of the process being outside of my comfort zone than anything so my mind was just locked. So i decided I was not going to continue with that pattern. I went back to the drawing board and drafted my own pattern a completely different design and I am glad I made that decision. I will try the commercial pattern on a cheaper fabric first sometime in future (not so enthusiastic about the idea though, lol)
The drafting of this pattern was a bit time consuming because there was a lot of cutting and spreading. This is one of the methods you can use to add fullness to a pattern. It was fun nonetheless maybe because I enjoy pattern drafting especially if the design requires more thinking than usual. Sewing it together was a breeze! It's always a win when there are no fastenings to sew.The dress is fully lined from the main fabric. Interest is only in the front the back is just a simple design with no waist seam. I feel this design is really flattering and can work for all body shapes. I want to make another one in a velvet fabric!

Thank you for stopping by the blog today! as usual I will love to hear your thoughts
Stay home and keep safe.
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