My name is Gobe Kereeditse Mojela aka Gobes aka Gobnut.My husband’s wife 🥰
I am a Quantity Surveyor by profession.I started teaching myself how to sew in 2014 from a combination of books,blogs,you tube videos and a whole lot of trial and error.I do everything from drafting the pattern (unless otherwise stated),cutting,sewing then finally wearing the garments :-)
My first sewing machine was a gift from my amazing husband.I had long expressed my desire to learn how to sew but i just never did anything beyond my words and his gift came just at the right time.As words will have it ‘the rest is history 🙂
I do not sew as much as i would love to as i joggle between work and other things but my desire is to one day open my closet and see it flowing fully in my handmade clothes.I am taking one garment at a time eventually i will get there.
I mostly sew 👗👗because i do love a good 👗, but i do hope to fill in my wardrobe gaps and sew other things👚👔👘more often.I love my clothes to be simple but significant. I am also for modest apparel, I strongly believe i can dress for BEAUTY and for the GLORY of my Lord without sacrificing one for the other.
I am hoping as you visit here you will be INSPIRED and LEARN something from what you see and also stick around for future news regarding Natty Kraft.
It will be nice to hear from you,so please drop a comment when you can 🙂
Following ryt behind you.