Thursday, May 28, 2020

DIY notched collar coat

Hello there guys!I hope this blog post finds you well.It's week one for me back to work and i must say i found it rather quick.It feels like we jumped from Monday straight to Thursday haha.

Now onto the real business-the coat!!I have not sewn anything for the past 3 weeks.This is one of my makes within the first 4 weeks of lock down.It was my first attempt at a notched collar and i learnt sew many things constructing this.The very first coat which i made 2 years ago (i think) was a rather simple and straight forward design,no lining,no collars,no buttons and  side seam pockets.So i am really happy with how this turned out.There is obviously room for improvement.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Hello there people!I hope you are still keeping well, i believe most of you are back at work this week, i am still home 💃🏾 lol.It’s important to still follow the health rules for our sakes and the rest of the country really.

Now onto this beauty!i must say i had this fabric the longest time!4 years!4 full years it’s been sitting in my stash! Right now i am guilt free 😅.I love to have clothes that run the century, you know something that you can still wear even if fashion changes a gazillion times.No matter how much fashion changes simple designs remain timeless!For me this dress fits that category so perfectly, I LOVE it sew much (i think i say that with all my makes) hahah but i really do.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Hello there!!I do hope you are still keeping well.What a speedy week this has been!i am even having anxieties at the thought of going back to work 😂
Anyhu!lets get on to the issue of the day-the shirt 👗!!After making a shirt that i shared on the blog last week i figured why not make a shirt dress so that the process sets in my mind because practice makes perfect right plus i had the perfect fabric for a winter shirt dress.